Christmas party of Touralpin Touristik in December 2014 at Hotel Lebzelter

Christmas atmosphere comes up when we are welcomed in front of the hotel with punch and brass bands. The hotel is festively lit, and the fam. Schandlbauer gives us a warm welcome. A good 25 years of cooperation connects us, and we are happy to hold our Christmas party in this house.
The Touralpin team is complete this year with 29 people. After contemplative introductory words from my side, we let ourselves enjoy the festive menu. Heimo reviews the past year in his report, reports on the plans and news for 2015.
With gifts and words of thanks to everyone, we end the official part, sit together comfortably and celebrate together for a few more hours. We were also able to congratulate a jubilarian. Herbert Seywald has been an employee of Touralpin Touristik for 25 years.
With Touralpin’s organized cab service, all employees are driven home safely.
Brigitte Wallner