Touralpin Touristik company outing to Bregenz October 2016

This time we were a group of 15 people and we spent our company outing
in the westernmost provincial capital of Austria – in Bregenz.
With two minibuses we left Maishofen on time at 8:00 am. After a fortifying breakfast
at a freeway service station, we went straight on to the hotel. We enjoyed in bright sunshine
our lunch on the hotel terrace. After a walk along Lake Constance, it was “off to the city” in the evening.
We visited the musical “I’ve never been to New York” and many of us warbled happily
with the well-known Udo Jürgens songs. Afterwards we let the evening end comfortably with a glass of wine.
The next day, after a hearty breakfast, we headed back home.
In Wattens we make a stop and visit the Swarovski Crystal Worlds.
In addition to the great exhibitions, we also visited the park with the crystal cloud, the maze
and visited the observation deck. In the play tower “the children came through” with all of us.
We climbed, slid and jumped on the trampoline….
After a cozy dinner in St. Johann, we headed back home after two fun-filled days.