Official language: English
Time difference: CET and CEST -1h
Power supply/voltage: 230 Volt, 50 Hertz, an adapter is required
London, South of England, Middle & North of England
Best time to visit: The capital of Great Britain is an experience and worth a trip all year round. Especially in summer and in the pre-Christmas period, special events such as concerts and markets attract visitors. The best time for round trips is from spring to autumn.
Currency: Pound
Best time to visit: “If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute,” as the Scottish saying goes – since the weather is decidedly fickle throughout the year, travelers need not be deterred from a trip to Scotland even in the cold season.
Currency: Scottish pound
Provincial capital: Edinburgh
Best time to visit: Even in winter, thanks to the Gulf Stream, it doesn’t really get so icy that it would discourage a visit. If there is enough snow, the highest mountain in the country, Mount Snowdon, is even suitable for skiing. For weatherproof hikers, mountain bikers, recreation seekers and those interested in culture, spring and autumn are equally suitable vacation times. The probability of precipitation is quite high throughout the year, even higher than in England, which is already considered rainy. Sun worshippers should plan their trip to Wales for the summer months. The sea only gets warm enough for pleasant swimming in July and August.
Currency: Pound
Provincial capital: Cardiff