The landlocked country of Niger, with a population of 14 million, is located in western Africa. It borders Mali and Burkina Faso to the west, Algeria and Libya to the north, Chad to the east, and Nigeria and Benin to the south. Niger is a former French colony and received its independence in 1960.
Capital: Niamey
Currency: CFA Franc
Language: French
Climate: The south has an alternating humid tropical climate with summer rains. One can distinguish four seasons.
First heat period from March to the end of May: very high temperatures up to 45° C, at night it cools down only to just below 30° C.
Rainy season from June to September: very heavy rains and high humidity in the south; daytime temperatures up to 35° C, 20-25° C at night.
Second hot period from October to mid-November: hardly any precipitation, clear skies, temperatures during the day 35° C and at night around 20° C.
Cold season from the end of November to the end of February: dry, around 30° C during the day, around 15° C at night.